| haproxy_bind_adapter | Yes | eth0 | | Interface to use for the Shared IP |
| haproxy_config_file | Yes | example.haproxy.cfg.j2 | | File name to use for the haproxy config file |
| haproxy_keepalived_adapter | Yes | eth0 | | Interface to use for the keepalived communication |
| haproxy_keepalived_adapter_vlan | No | | | When specified, this will setup the given vlan and use that for the keepalived communication to keep the traffic out of the primary network |
| haproxy_keepalived_ip | Yes | | | IP to use for the keepalived communication |
| haproxy_keepalived_process_weight | Yes | 10 | | Weight used for tracking the haproxy process on the server |
| haproxy_shared_priority | Yes | 100 | | Keepalived priority for the host - this will |
| haproxy_shared_state | Yes | MASTER | MASTER/BACKUP | What state the keepalived configuration will start with for the desired host - After config starts it will determine if other members exist and adjust based on priority |
| haproxy_shared_virtual_router_id | Yes | 25 | | Virtual Router ID for the keepalived configuration - This should be the same for the group |