--- # file: roles/base/tasks/core.yml - name: "*** Hostname Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_hostname.yml apply: tags: hostname tags: - hostname # Gather facts now because the hostname may have changed - name: Gather facts setup: when: hostname_change.changed - name: Gather service facts service_facts: tags: - always - name: Attach RHEL subscription redhat_subscription: state: present activationkey: "{{ base_redhat_subscription_activationkey }}" org_id: "{{ base_redhat_subscription_org_id }}" pool: '^(Red Hat Enterprise Server|Red Hat Virtualization)$' when: ansible_distribution == 'RedHat' and (base_redhat_subscription_org_id != "" and base_redhat_subscription_activationkey != "") - name: "*** Users Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_users.yml apply: tags: users loop: "{{ base_users }}" loop_control: loop_var: user tags: - users - name: "*** MOTD Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_motd.yml apply: tags: motd when: base_core_motd_configure == true tags: - motd - name: "*** SSH Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_ssh.yml apply: tags: ssh tags: - ssh - name: "*** SUDO Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_sudo.yml apply: tags: sudo tags: - sudo - name: "*** Generate Self-Signed Cert ***" include_tasks: file: core_cert.yml apply: tags: cert when: base_core_cert_common_name != '' tags: - cert - name: "*** Root CA Install ***" include_tasks: file: core_root_ca.yml apply: tags: root_ca tags: - root_ca - name: "*** Web Management Configuration ***" include_tasks: file: core_web_management.yml apply: tags: web_management when: base_core_web_management == true tags: - web_management